10 Productive Things to Do on Sunday for a Successful Week

Whether you like it or not, Monday morning is coming. But it doesn’t have to be the stressful drag of a day it’s predicted to be. There are productive things to do on Sunday that can not only set you up for success all week long, but also make Mondays, dare I say, enjoyable. In fact, when you spend your Sundays fully recharging, moving forward, and preparing accordingly, you may even feel excited and motivated to ace Monday’s meeting or schedule a tough workout. You do not believe me? Here are 10 ways to reset your Sunday and have the best week ever. Warning: you are about to start enjoying your Mondays.

 1. Grocery, meal plan and prepare for the week.

Eating healthy can be as simple as being prepared so you have better options on hand during your busy week. Make a plan when you go grocery shopping and prioritize nutrient-dense foods like fresh avocados, which can serve as an accessible refrigerator or addition to any meal that doesn’t require much prep (perfect for weeks when you have the temptation to eat fast food very actively). The decisions you make for your health and well-being are an expression of self-love, so choosing foods that you enjoy and support your health is an important way to invest in your well-being.

Fresh avocados are satisfying and refreshing, providing nearly 20 nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and phytonutrients. They’re just as delicious on their own as they are in a variety of tasty recipes, making fresh avocados an obvious addition to your weekly grocery shop. 

2. Do a quick clean

No matter how busy your week is ahead, it will feel much more manageable when you take care of some of those tasks you put off (looking at you, the pile of dirty clothes) and start off with a clean house. An hour-long deep clean or a quick closet reorganization can make a big difference not only in your home environment, but also in how you feel for the rest of the week. If major tasks, like deep cleaning the bathroom or organizing the hallway closet, seem overwhelming, start with a quick kitchen cleanup (wash dishes and wipe down counters), declutter the living room (fold blankets and stack coasters) and tidy up your bedroom (that means putting away clothes on your worn-out but not-yet-ready-to-wash chair).

3. Unplug

Public service announcement for anyone who needs to hear it: You don’t have to (and shouldn’t) be “on” 24/7. If your weeks feel overwhelming and Sundays feel scary, consider doing a temporary digital detox to reduce stress. Mindlessly scrolling through social media or checking your work email may seem harmless, but it could leave you feeling exhausted and wasting the last of your weekend. Unless your job requires you to be on call, turn off all work notifications over the weekend to prevent your phone from becoming a source of anxiety unless you’re intentionally setting aside time to make progress before Monday (more on that below). Even if you’re getting ahead at work, try putting your phone on “Do Not Disturb” or putting temporary blocks on social media apps so you can really recharge.

4. Choose a week of outfits

We make many decisions every day, even in the first minutes after waking up: whether to sleep or not, when to turn on the coffee maker, what to make for breakfast; It’s no wonder we all feel exhausted and overwhelmed. . No matter how big or small, decisions add up; Decision fatigue is real. But good news: You can limit your decision-making throughout the week by planning outfits (including which shoes you’ll pack to transition to happy hour on Thursday) in advance. It’ll limit some of the decision fatigue throughout the week so you can spend more time on the really big decisions that come up, but you can also feel excited about that power outfit or showing off your new pair of shoes instead of dreading it.

5. Clean your inbox

You already know that unplugging on Sundays is important to recharge, but if you have severe Sunday fears just thinking about your Monday to-do list, it might be helpful to set aside some time to get ahead. Sundays should feel like Sundays (rather than an extension of the work week), but spending just 10 to 20 minutes intentionally cleaning out your inbox or checking all your messages will help you start your week feeling ahead. If emails aren’t a source of stress or you want to unplug, try planning your meetings and deadlines for the week. Just think about how good you’ll feel on Monday morning when you’re already ahead.

6. Set an intention

At the beginning of the week, we always focus on to-do lists and goals, but what about setting an intention or a theme to focus on throughout the week? Setting an intention will help us get excited for the week and will also allow us to replace negative thoughts with phrases that can help us feel less stressed or more confident. To try it for yourself, choose an affirmation or “theme” (like being present, moving more often, or having more fun) on Sundays and write it down in your planner every day so you don’t forget. Then, live your entire week around this affirmation or theme.

7. Check your budget and money goals for the week

Self-care doesn’t always mean bubble baths or face masks. Sometimes self-care means feeling in control of your finances and independence. While having a detailed financial plan and setting goals can help you reduce money-related stress and achieve what you want in life, feeling in control of your finances doesn’t always take a lot of time and energy. Spend five minutes on Sunday reviewing your bank account and credit card statements. Getting into the habit of carrying out frequent checks can help identify fraud early on and will also give you a good idea of ​​where you are spending and where you can be saving. Set a financial goal for the week, whether it’s putting a certain amount of cash in your savings account or investing in a course or service that will improve your well-being.

8. Make fun plans for the week

Do you have Sunday Scaries? That’s because there’s nothing during the week that you look forward to (and what a sad way to live!). Schedule your week with more than just work meetings and workouts, and make time for the things you’re really looking forward to. For example, schedule a dinner with friends, when you’ll call your mom, or a couple of hours when you want to bake that new recipe you’ve been dying to try. Instead of seeing Sundays as the end of a good weekend, start seeing Sundays as the beginning of a very exciting week. 

9. Schedule training

You schedule meetings, appointments, and plans in advance, so why not schedule your workouts too? Have a jog at 8 a.m. m. or an exercise class at 5 p.m. m. on your calendar will not only hold you accountable for making workouts happen, but it will also prioritize your health and well-being as much as a work meeting or coffee with a friend. , you’re stating that self-care is as important as any other aspect of your life (because it should be). Treat your scheduled workouts like any other item on your calendar: arrive on time, be prepared, and don’t cancel at the last minute.

10. Organize your desk space

A messy workspace, piles of papers, or a snack wrapper from last Friday can increase the feelings of stress, overwhelm, and anxiety that come with the start of a busy week, so minimize clutter as much as possible on Sunday. Clean out your desk drawers, organize papers or mail, and even wipe down your computer. If you don’t have a designated workspace or only work in an office, you’ll get the same benefits from detoxing your desktop (aka deleting that Christmas decor inspo folder that’s been there since last December), organizing contacts, or installing any updates. (to avoid that annoying notification all week).


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