What is Productive Procrastination: Is It Good or Bad?

Procrastination, typically viewed as the arch-nemesis of productivity, takes an unexpected twist when paired with the term “productive procrastination.” This phenomenon challenges the conventional notion that all forms of procrastination are detrimental to one’s efficiency and output. Productive procrastination refers to the practice of delaying a primary task in favor of engaging in other seemingly less important activities that still contribute positively to one’s overall productivity.

This concept has gained attention in various fields, sparking debates on whether it is a beneficial strategy or a deceptive distraction. In this exploration, we delve into the nature of productive procrastination, dissecting its components, discussing its potential benefits, and examining the risks associated with this nuanced approach to task management.

What is Productive Procrastination:

Productive procrastination involves redirecting one’s focus from a primary task to secondary tasks that, while not the primary goal, still contribute meaningfully to overall productivity. Unlike traditional procrastination, where individuals delay tasks with irrelevant or time-wasting activities, productive procrastination involves engaging in activities that enhance skills, knowledge, or well-being.

Components of Productive Procrastination:

Skill Development:   

Engaging in activities that enhance skills related to the primary task can be considered productive procrastination. For instance, a writer delaying the completion of an article to research and learn new writing techniques is engaging in a form of productive procrastination.

Prioritizing Other Important Tasks:

Sometimes, procrastinating on one task allows individuals to prioritize other important but less urgent tasks. This can prevent a sense of overwhelm and contribute to a more balanced workload.

Mindful Breaks:

Taking breaks during work is essential for maintaining focus and preventing burnout. Productive procrastination can involve taking mindful breaks, such as short walks or meditation, which contribute to overall well-being and long-term productivity.

Benefits of Productive Procrastination:

Enhanced Creativity:

Diverging from the primary task allows the mind to explore new ideas and perspectives, fostering creativity. This can lead to innovative solutions and improved outcomes when returning to the initial task.

Continuous Learning:

Engaging in activities that expand knowledge and skills during moments of procrastination ensures continuous learning. This can contribute to personal and professional development over time.

Preventing Burnout:

By diversifying tasks, individuals can avoid the monotony that often leads to burnout. Productive procrastination can serve as a built-in mechanism to maintain enthusiasm and prevent mental fatigue.

Risks and Challenges:

Time Management Concerns:

The line between productive procrastination and inefficient time management can be thin. Without a clear understanding of priorities, individuals may find themselves spending excessive time on secondary tasks at the expense of crucial deadlines.

Distraction and Loss of Focus:

Productive procrastination can easily morph into distraction if not approached mindfully. Constantly shifting attention between tasks may lead to a lack of focus, hindering the quality of work on both primary and secondary tasks.

Procrastination Justification:

There is a risk of individuals using the term “productive procrastination” as a justification for avoiding challenging or uncomfortable tasks. This can lead to a perpetual cycle of postponing essential responsibilities.

Examples of productive procrastination

Productive procrastination refers to engaging in tasks that, while not the primary ones you should be working on, still contribute to overall productivity. Here are 10 examples:

  1. Organizing Workspace:
  • Taking the time to declutter and organize your workspace can improve focus and efficiency when you do get to the main task.
  1. Brainstorming Ideas:
  • Procrastinating on a specific project by brainstorming ideas for future projects can lead to creative insights and valuable plans.
  1. Learning a New Skill:
  • Spending time acquiring a new skill, even if it’s not directly related to your current work, can broaden your knowledge and make you more versatile.
  1. Reading Relevant Articles:
  • Reading articles or research papers related to your field, even if they aren’t directly connected to your current project, can enhance your overall understanding.
  1. Networking:
  • Taking a break to connect with colleagues, attend networking events, or participate in online forums can build valuable professional relationships.
  1. Physical Exercise:
  • Engaging in physical activity can boost energy levels and improve overall well-being, leading to increased productivity when you return to your tasks.
  1. Mindful Breaks:
  • Procrastinating by taking short breaks for mindfulness, meditation, or relaxation exercises can rejuvenate your mind and enhance focus.
  1. Updating Software/Tools:
  • Taking the time to update software or tools you use for work can prevent future disruptions and improve efficiency.
  1. Setting Goals:
  • Procrastinating on a specific task by setting short-term and long-term goals for your projects can provide clarity and direction.
  1. Volunteering or Helping Others:
  • Taking a break from your primary task to help a colleague or contribute to a team effort can foster a positive work environment and build a sense of camaraderie.

Remember, the key to productive procrastination is to engage in activities that, while not directly related to your immediate tasks, still contribute positively to your overall well-being and professional growth.

10 steps to stop procrastinating and move towards success:

Organize your daily agenda

Following a plan is the best, start your day as early as possible and in an organized way. Don’t forget that a good rest is necessary to start your day early and thus have more time to do what is on your agenda. Keep your activities to do and do them in your time, this is one of the best options to feel motivated.

Avoid distractions

It’s time to analyze how much time you are spending on your distractions. Social networks, television, video games are highly addictive, establish daily use or avoid them if they are negatively affecting the achievement of your goals. If your phone is a distraction when you are doing a task, put it on silent and keep it out of reach while you work.

Establish clear objectives

Clear and specific objectives for each day. Establish activities that you must do immediately and move on to the next ones step by step. Organization will allow you to have greater focus and achieve your goals more easily and in less time.


Break the habit of leaving everything for later, stopping procrastination is an act of willpower, but after you start everything will get much easier and the path will be much more rewarding.

Say no to excuses

There are activities that can be a little tedious or boring, but leaving them for later will not help you, so without excuses, try to get out of everything first that you would usually leave for later and that way you will feel how you are progressing.

Establish rest breaks

Overloading yourself with work during the day or wanting to do everything at once will not help either, take breaks between tasks (a few minutes) and thus you will avoid exhaustion and mental blocks. You can have a coffee, walk a little and then return to your next activities and tasks with greater energy and enthusiasm.

Finish what you start

If you are doing a task, you must finish it before moving on to the next, your focus is important and above all, being consistent, that is why you must go step by step and make sure you do not leave anything in half.

Work in an orderly space

Nowadays, many people work from home, but this is no excuse to have a messy or dirty space, prepare your workspace so that it is as organized as possible.

Reward your effort

If you manage to complete all your scheduled tasks, a good way to continue on this new path are rewards, you can give yourself a prize or give yourself a positive phrase. Being positive will help you a lot on this new path.

Don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today

It is your time to create new habits, for that reason, take your time to do everything you planned for the day and at the end you will feel motivated, you will rest with an incredible feeling of satisfaction. Stop procrastinating and move towards greater productivity.


Productive procrastination challenges the conventional wisdom surrounding procrastination, introducing a nuanced perspective that acknowledges the potential benefits of deviating from the primary task. While it can foster creativity, continuous learning, and prevent burnout, it is crucial to tread carefully to avoid falling into the traps of time mismanagement and distraction. Striking a balance between the primary and secondary tasks, and recognizing when to redirect focus for genuine benefits, is key to harnessing the potential of productive procrastination without compromising overall efficiency. Ultimately, the key lies in understanding one’s work habits, priorities, and the delicate equilibrium between productive diversion and counterproductive delay.


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