10 Soft Skills Every Project Manager Should Have


Project management is one of the most sought after qualities of the modern business environment. The constant increase in the salaries of project managers around the world is an indicator of their demand in the market. Project managers are typically responsible for overseeing the entire project and performing the key tasks that can make the …

Why is it Important to Define Roles and Responsibilities in an Organizational Transformation?


Starting a transformation is a great challenge in itself. Regardless of whether this ‘metamorphosis’ covers more or fewer areas of an organization or impacts more or fewer people, at first there will be a high degree of uncertainty and the change will not always be welcomed in a systemic and homogeneous manner. Whether due to …

15 Up-and-Coming Trends About Online Marketing


The last year has been a period of great changes in online marketing, which will undoubtedly influence the trends when applying online marketing strategies this 2023. Changes in the algorithm and in the Google SERP, the metaverse or the perspective of a world without cookies have been the main headaches for marketers. Therefore, if you …

What Is Digital Communication And What Is It For In Companies?

What Is Digital Communication

    Welcome to the exciting world of digital communication in the business field. In an increasingly connected and digitalized world, understanding how digital communication can boost the success of your company becomes a prevailing need. In this era of constantly flowing information, it’s not just about being present online, but about thoroughly understanding what …

6 benefits of knowing how to delegate responsibilities to your work team

delegate responsibilities

It is evident that sharing your activities with others can help you carry them out, in addition to strengthening ties on a social level. However, in the workplace you can also apply this beneficial way of life thanks to delegating tasks.  Knowing how to delegate responsibilities implies covering the main mission of a businessman, which …