Work Addiction: What it is, Symptoms and How to Overcome it? 

Work addiction

Work is a fundamental part of our lives and can provide us with meaning in life, achievement and financial security. However, when work becomes an obsession that negatively affects health and personal relationships, we are already talking about work addiction, also known as workaholism, something that no one is safe from with the pace of …

Food Supplements for Menopause: How can Menopause Affect Sleep?

How can Menopause Affect Sleep?

  Menopause, a transitional period in women’s lives, is often accompanied by debilitating physical and psychological symptoms. During this stage, the body experiences significant hormonal changes that can cause hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, and decreased bone density. To alleviate these symptoms, many people turn to dietary supplements such as red clover or soy …

Brick and Mortar vs. E-Commerce: Which Model is Right for Your Small Business?

Brick and Mortar vs. E-Commerce

  In today’s digital age, small businesses have to choose when it comes to their operating model: brick and mortar or e-commerce. While brick-and-mortar stores have long been the traditional option, the rise of e-commerce has opened up new opportunities for businesses to reach a global customer base. Both models have their advantages and considerations, …

Active Breaks at Work: How to Avoid a Sedentary Lifestyle and Improve Productivity


Currently, many of the jobs we do are considered sedentary jobs due to the low activity and physical movement they require. This lack of movement during long hours in front of the computer can cause muscle ailments, stress and mental fatigue, which in turn can reduce productivity and increase absenteeism from work. In this post, …

What is Pomodoro Technique? How the Pomodoro Technique Really Works for Productivity

What is Pomodoro Technique?

Have you ever stopped to think about what you are spending your time on? The pace of life, the rush and non-stop between work, family life and social life means that you find yourself oversaturated with tasks and chores during the day. That is why if you feel overwhelmed by this situation or believe that …