How to Prioritize Objectives With The Arrival Of The New Year?


With the arrival of a new year, setting goals is an effective way to focus on personal and professional growth. Each circumstance and aspirations of each person must be taken into account, but prioritizing your purposes is an important skill to manage time and effort. Efficiency is key to not getting frustrated.

If you want to know how to prioritize your New Year’s goals, keep reading: here you will find the guidelines for organizing your goals.

Steps to follow to prioritize your New Year’s goals

First of all, it would be advisable to make a list of all the objectives that you intend to achieve, whether personal goals, work goals, health goals, etc. Once it is clear, the objectives must be classified in order of importance and decide which ones are carried out first and which ones can wait.

Establishing deadlines to meet objectives realistically is convenient so that they do not accumulate and there is some organization. Mark deadlines for each of them.

Once we are clear about which objectives we want to achieve first and what the time frame is for doing so, we must evaluate the resources available to carry them out, such as time, money or external support.

On the other hand, distinguish between short-term and long-term objectives. Prioritize those that need to be fulfilled immediately and those that we can postpone, set distant dates so that they do not become overwhelming but also do not forget them.

Likewise, clarify the possible consequences that may arise from achieving or not achieving the objectives. This will help establish priorities when choosing which objectives to do first.

As time passes, circumstances may change and it is advisable to review the list periodically to adjust the objectives to new situations that arise.

Furthermore, if there are several objectives that are related to each other, they can be grouped to be more effective and reduce the time that will be used to achieve it.

The objectives must be adjusted to the stage of life that is being lived. They must be realistic in terms of age, purchasing power, family situation, among others. Trusted people can also be a great support in organizing objectives and providing another perspective.

It is worth remembering that not all people are the same and that sometimes when seeking external support they advise us based on personal experiences, so we must always be clear about the priorities and stage of life of each person so as not to compare ourselves with that of others. the rest.

Examples of New Year’s resolutions

When it comes to setting goals, there are people who feel lost because they don’t know how to start or what part of their life to organize. Some examples of objectives for the arrival of the new year:

Professional development: 

Participating in training to expand knowledge about your profession will improve your skills.

Personal care: 

Establish healthy routines to prioritize self-care, such as exercising, spending time on activities that bring you happiness and emotional well-being, sleeping the appropriate hours to achieve proper rest, among others.

Balance in lifestyle: 

Neither dedicate most of the day to work nor to enjoyable activities, that is, balance would be the right thing to do to avoid exhaustion or feelings of frustration. To do this, it is advisable to establish clear limits.

Promotion of services: 

Currently, everything related to the internet or “online” is in full growth. A goal for the new year could be related to this, such as updating the website, participating in training on digital marketing, introducing new work models that are related to working online, etc.


Including new techniques or approaches in the sector to which each person works that can benefit clients.

Connections with other professionals: 

Establish connections with other professionals in the sector in order to share knowledge, expanding mutual learning and discussing possible joint collaborations.

Manage time: 

Organize time to set realistic goals and prioritize tasks to increase their productivity. A temporary organization will allow you to dedicate the day to different tasks, in addition to having a space for self-care.

Regarding health and well-being: 

It is important to set goals to maintain physical health such as exercising regularly, which in turn will lead to maintaining mental balance. Introduce healthy eating habits such as incorporating necessary foods into the diet (fruit and vegetables) and planning a healthy rest routine.

Personal development: 

An example of a personal purpose could be the practice of mindfulness or meditation, in addition to practicing reading to expand knowledge on topics of interest.

Interpersonal relationships: 

Incorporate effective communication to strengthen family or friendly relationships and to establish stronger relationships. It is also advisable to set objectives to expand the social network, such as attending pleasant activities that are carried out in groups.


Saving for specific goals such as buying a house, going on a trip or to have an emergency fund. With the correct financial organization you can also reduce debt.

Contribution to the community: 

Actively participate in social causes and collaborate with charitable causes. Additionally, a good option is to share knowledge through volunteering.


Work on creative skills and establish certain days to dedicate to activities that bring moments of happiness and joy. It is important that after days of work, we disconnect by doing some activity or plan that is beneficial for mental health.

Spiritual growth: 

Reflect on personal values ​​and set goals that are related to a sense of purpose. People who carry out spiritual practices may wish to expand their knowledge about their religious community.

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